Video Mapping 3D

3D Video Projection Mapping experiences
3D Video Projection Mapping
in stages, buildings and massive events 💫
What is 3D video projection mapping and what is it used for?
Video mapping, also known as 3D projection mapping, is a video projection technique that allows the perfect alignment of animated content to the real world creating a powerful illusion
A video mapping show manages to make objects become alive, has a geat visual attractive and generates great interest and engagement in the audience.
For this reason it has become a very valuable resource for events and marketing presentations around the world.
3D Mapping in Buildings
We transform masive buildings in a canvas that turns into life telling the story of our clients project and getting through to thousands of people.
3D Mapping in Stages
We create custom build structures to take advantage of everything what video projection mapping can do and achieve unique product launches, business presentations and expos.
Where can i make a video projection mapping show?
- Buildings
- Massive public events
- Product launches & presentations
- Convention centers & expos
- Corporate Showrooms
- Interactive museums
With the correct hardware, video projection mapping can cover gigant buildings with experiences that can be enjoyed by thousands of people at the same time in massive events like the Olympics, the super bowl, nacional parties, historic commemorations and film premieres.

Some of the most successful mapping events happen indoors for marketing events, conventions, expos and product launches. Video projection is one of the best resources to communicate the message of a brand or new product in a memorable way.
How does mapping work?
Technically 3D video projection mapping consists in the analysis of the bidimensional representation of a surface from the perspective of a video projector and mix it with the distortion and perspective of a person looking to the same surface from a different position.
Knowing both perspectives it is possible to create images that appear to have depth and are aligned to the architectural elements of the structure on which they are projected.
A magical and memorable ilusion
When the projected images make it seam as the real structure is moving and interacting with virtual objects a powerful visual illusion is created. The audience perceive a reality that is augmented by the digital content, making the structure become alive.
What do i need to make a video projection mapping?
To start a video mapping project with Visualma you only have to choose a structure or building to project and have the permissions and access to the location.
You only have to send us photos or renders of the structure and a narrative brief of the theme, duration, objective and art style.
We take care of everything
Visualma's services include everything necessary to realize your project from start to finish.
- Advisory and project analysis
- Scripting and art direction
- Production of personalized animated content
- Rent or Purchace of projectors and video servers
- Setup and calibration
- Operation during the event
Normaly we need 4 to 8 weeks to develop a video mapping project.
How is a 3D video projection mapping created?
📏 Analysis and advisory
We start with an analysis of the structure to project and its ambient conditions through photos, measurements and blueprints.
Knowing the project requirements and the subject that wants to be transmitted we can start the process.
💡 Scripting and art direction
We create the script that generates the most impactful visual experience considering the characteristics of the structure, stage or building.
Factors like the location and visual perspective of the audience are taken into account to maximize the narrative resources.
🎬 Content creation
The team of audio visual artists create a detailed 3D model from the structure and give life to the script with animation and simulations that mix with reality.
The content is created hand in hand with the client to perfectly align the show to their campaign.
🎉 Calibration, Execution and Projection
On-site setup, calibration process, technicians and production.
Visualma's services include everything necesary to realize your project from start to finish.
What is the cost of a Video Projection Mapping?
The price of a video mapping is different for every project because every structure and event has its own necessities.
Two main factor that determine the cost of a 3D mapping are: The size of the area that will be projected and the duration of the content that will be produced. A bigger area requires the rent of more video projectors. A longer show needs more hours of development from the artists.
Cost optimization
It is possible to optimize the cost of a video mapping event selecting the best hardware for each situation, defining the correct projection area and using the available resources in the most optimum metter
A mapping that is correctly planned can enter the budget of any kind of event.
Interactive Mapping
We use different types of sensors to allow the audience, artists and hosts to transform the content of the video mapping in real time.
We create holographic projections where objects and characters seam to float in the room giving the illusion of a science fiction hologram.
3D Projection Mapping examples

🕍 Video Mapping 3D en edificios
En el aniversario del videojuego Free Fire creamos un video mapping 3D en el icónico Paseo de la Reforma de CDMX con 108m de altura, contenido simultáneo en dos edificios y 14,000 m² de proyección.
Feb 2022

Realidad Aumentada en un Video Mapping 3D 👓
Creamos un video mapping 3D complementado con marcadores de realidad aumentada que permitieron a los espectadores interactuar con la video proyección utilizando sus teléfonos y tabletas.
Jose Cuervo
Feb 2020

Video mapping y Realidad Aumentada en México - Adidas Predator 👟
Creamos un video mapping 3D para la presentación del nuevo modelo de zapato Adidas Predator y una experiencia con lentes de realidad aumentada utilizando el headset Microsoft Hololens.
Ene 2020

Mapping 3D Charo Michoacán
Video Mapping 3D realizado sobre la fachada del Ex Convento de San Miguel Arcángel, recinto histórico del siglo XVI en el que se albergan tesoros culturales y patrimonios nacionales.
Charo, Michoacán
Julio 2017

Mapping museo regional de Cholula
El equipo de Visualma creó una experiencia de Mapping 3D inmersivo con sonido envolvente 5.1 y proyección Holográfica para el Museo Regional de Cholula en Puebla.
Museo Regional de Cholula
Enero 2017

Mapping 3D 360º, Museo de la música de Puebla
Creamos un mapping 360º totalmente envolvente que lleva a los visitantes en un viaje por los templos más importantes de la música barroca mexicana.
Estado de Puebla
Dic 2016

Mapping 3D Casa Cuervo 2016
Visualma fue comisionado por cuarta vez consecutiva para la realización de un mapping 3d para una presentación ejecutiva en la convención anual de Casa Cuervo.
Casa Jose Cuervo
Jun 2016

Video Mapping TNG
Transportes Navales del Golfo comisionó a Visualma la realización de un espectáculo de mapping sobre una enorme proa de barco para su 18º Congreso en la ciudad de Veracruz.
Sep 2015

Instalación interactiva Museo del Títere Puebla
Instalación interactiva que permite a los niños controlar marionetas 3D virtuales proyectadas en un Holograma.
Museo del Títere, Puebla
Jul 2015

Mapping para presentación de playera CHIVAS
Espectáculo de mapping 3D para la develación de la nueva playera de Chivas en el estadio Omnilife de Guadalajara, Jalisco, con un diseño que rompió convenciones.
Jul 2015

3D Mapping Balón Aspid Limpiemos Nuestro México
Con un innovador diseño de estructura y contenido impactante, creamos el espectáculo de mapping de presentación del balón Voit Aspid "Limpiemos Nuestro México" de la Liga MX.
Tv Azteca
May 2015

Mapping 3D Mattel ToyFair 2015
Mattel pidió a Visualma desarrollar un mapping para su ToyFair 2015, presentando sus nuevos productos y reflejando el espíritu de todas sus marcas.
Feb 2015

3D Mapping Siemens - Aniversario 120 años en México
Siemens, el gigante alemán de tecnología, celebró sus 120 años de presencia en México con un 3D mapping espectacular en el Ex Convento San Hipólito, en el que presentó su visión del futuro para el país.
Sep 2014

3D Mapping Bticino Ciudad Quinziño
Por tercera ocasión consecutiva, Bticino nos comisionó un espectáculo de 3D mapping para presentar a un selecto grupo de distribuidores su nueva serie de propuestas tecnológicas para un nuevo estilo de vida.
Mar 2014

Video Mapping 3D - Adidas - Selección Mexicana
Con un espectáculo de Video Mapping 3D, adidas presentó el balón oficial del mundial 2014 “Brazuca”, la nueva camiseta de la selección Mexicana y su última colección de zapatos para fútbol, "Samba".
Dic 2013